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Monday, Mar 31, 2014

More Solar Projects in the Forecast

A Windham County company is planning to open at least four new community solar farms in the coming few years. Soveren Solar, a Westminster company, is going to start construction in the spring on a 150 kilowatt solar farm in North Springfield, and company founder Peter Thurrell said he is finalizing land leases in Townshend and Westminster, and at least one other location, for his other community solar farms.

Monday, Mar 31, 2014

In Bid Against Gas, Minnesota Regulators Say Solar Can Proceed

A proposed $250 million distributed solar project appears to have held its own in a Minnesota regulatory process that put it in competition with three natural gas options.

Monday, Mar 31, 2014

NRG Wants to be the Apple of Energy, and as Big as SolarCity in Home Solar

Power giant NRG Energy is looking to take cues from the world’s largest consumer tech brands — Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon — when it comes to how to provide energy services for customers.

Monday, Mar 24, 2014

Solar Power Is Now Just As Cheap As Conventional Electricity In Italy And Germany

Once all its costs are accounted for, the price of commercial solar power has pulled even with retail electricity rates in Italy and Germany, according to a new report.

Monday, Mar 24, 2014

Seeds of Solar Power 'Gardens' Being Planted in Minnesota

Bring Me The NewsA new state law encouraging the growth of alternative energy sources has spurred several proposals to create solar power “gardens” in Minnesota, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reports. The law, which was enacted last year, allows independent businesses and groups to set up arrays of solar panels and then sell the power directly to local customers. Such arrangements would allow consumers to purchase solar power without having to install solar panels on their homes.

Monday, Mar 24, 2014

Going Green in the Silver State

Nevada is being called a leader in renewable energy. And lawmakers say that's good for taxpayers.

Tuesday, Mar 18, 2014

Inside SolarCity: The Rise of a Hot Solar Panel Provider

CBS NewsIn 2013 there was a 47 percent jump in the number of home solar installations in the U.S., and by the end of the year more than 400,000 American homes had solar power. Don Dahler meets one man who uses imagination to help power the change.

Monday, Mar 17, 2014

Solar Power Captures Investors' Attention

Despite all the excitement surrounding solar energy over the last couple of decades, the technology has yet to go mainstream. However, that is slowly starting to change. Perhaps the biggest reason for the slow spread of solar energy has been the high cost associated with converting a household to take advantage of solar energy.

Monday, Mar 17, 2014

Solar Energy Has Finally Arrived

Solar energy in 2013 removed its training wheels and started competing with traditional energy sources. In the fourth quarter alone, the average weighted price per watt of solar capacity installed dropped by 15%, averaging $2.59 compared to more than $6 in 2010.

Monday, Mar 17, 2014

Taking the Spotlight: Solar Energy

Distributed generation in the form of wind, landfill gas, and cogeneration got a mention, but solar by far is attracting the most attention from cooperatives and legislators, a panel of experts told the co-op crowd. The panelists also informed co-ops that distributed generation is coming. They were told that it is best to get in front of it and that co-ops should develop their own DG projects.

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