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Monday, Jan 27, 2014

Patent Map Reveals Rise Of Thin-Film Solar Technology

ForbesI am a sucker for data visualization graphics, especially if the data being visualized is related to energy innovation. Needless to say, I was thrilled to discover a dynamic mapping of the geographic history of thin-film solar cell innovation developed by researchers at the University of Amsterdam.

Monday, Jan 27, 2014

Solar Jobs In US Grew 20 Percent Last Year

Job growth in 2013 stayed sluggish for much of the American economy.But for solar companies, it was a banner year.

Monday, Jan 27, 2014

Dan Brockway: Boulder Should Invest Directly In Solar Energy

OK, so the city of Boulder wants more renewable energy. Great, then why do they want to buy the local electric distribution from Xcel? Buying the wires and the distribution system does nothing to bring more renewable energy on the grid. That will require additional expense and further delay.

Monday, Jan 13, 2014

‘Solar Light Bulbs’ Illuminate Homes in Typhoon-Hit Areas

While some parts of the Visayas are still in the dark, used plastic bottles with solar panels developed locally have lighted up about 2,000 homes in typhoon-ravaged areas of the region.

Monday, Jan 13, 2014

A Day in the Sun: Solar's Revival Sends Stocks on a Tear

Even as the U.S. churns out more fossil fuels, evidence abounds that alternative energy in general—and solar in particular—is staging a comeback of sorts. And the halo effect has spread to solar stocks.

Monday, Jan 13, 2014

Solar Installer Takes Google Glass Up On The Roof

One of the residential solar industry’s ongoing challenges surrounds standardizing and speeding up the time it takes to get installations approved and in place. One small installer in San Diego is viewing this problem through a different lens..

Wednesday, Jan 08, 2014

Solar Industry Wins Important Regulatory Victory

Call it the “icing on the cake.” Right before America’s solar energy industry closed the books on a record-shattering year in 2013, we successfully convinced the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to approve a new rule that will expedite and reduce the cost of solar project interconnections, while maintaining the reliability and safety of the electric grid.

Monday, Jan 06, 2014

An Abbey’s Path to Fiscal Salvation

The nuns of Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey have been working the land for more than six decades, so they see their latest venture — having more than 20,000 solar panels installed in a field on the Trappistine order’s property — as one more way of working in concert with nature.

Monday, Jan 06, 2014

Together, the U.S. Military & Solar Companies Could Save Thousands of Military Lives

It just takes one well-placed round to turn a routine refueling mission into a disaster. Sadly those disasters have happened all too frequently as America's fuel convoys have become one of the most sought after targets for our nation's foes.

Monday, Jan 06, 2014

Solar Power Craze on Wall St. Propels Start-Up

The first inklings of the idea came to Elon Musk and a cousin in an R.V. heading to the Burning Man festival in 2004. Solar energy, they agreed, could be big.

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