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Tuesday, Mar 11, 2014

California Electric Grid Sets Solar Generation Record

California set back-to-back solar power records last week, the state grid operator said on Monday. The amount of electricity produced from carbon-free solar facilities connected to the grid reached 4,093 megawatts on Saturday, surpassing the day-earlier record of 3,926 MW, the California Independent System Operator (ISO) said in a statement.

Monday, Mar 10, 2014

Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative Opens Solar Facility

Illinois Rural Electric Cooperative held a ribbon cutting for its new 500 kilowatt solar facility which is located south of Winchester on Illinois Route 106, next to one of the substations that serves the cooperative’s 7,800 members. The installation is the first utility-scale photovoltaic solar energy system by a cooperative in Illinois.

Monday, Mar 10, 2014

The Red Faces of the Solar Skeptics

If the faces of renewable energy critics are not red yet, they soon will be. For years, these critics — of solar photovoltaics in particular — have called renewable energy a boutique fantasy. A recent Wall Street Journal blog post continues the trend, asserting that solar subsidies take money from the poor to benefit the rich. But solar-generated electricity is turning into a powerful environmental and economic success story.

Monday, Mar 10, 2014

Johnson and Salerno: Nevada is Cashing in on Renewable Energy

While Americans know wind and solar energy are clean, they often aren’t aware of the economic success story behind these renewable-energy technologies. Wind and solar power have economic benefits that reach far and wide. They have become increasingly affordable, attracting billions in private development, and today are both mainstream and reliable energy sources across America.

Tuesday, Mar 04, 2014

Colorado’s Largest Solar Power Facility Coming to Pueblo

A developer of wind and solar energy facilities will build a 900-acre generating station on grazing land about 2 miles southeast of Pueblo. Going into operation in summer 2016, the Comanche Solar project, near Xcel’s Comanche substation, would be Colorado’s largest solar farm and one of the biggest in the nation.

Tuesday, Mar 04, 2014

Nice Solar Stats

The US Department of Energy (DOE) put out a nice press release recently that we never got to covering. There were several stats in it that I thought were worth sharing & bookmarking for later reference.

Tuesday, Mar 04, 2014

The Biggest Solar Farm In Latin America Will Replace An Old Coal Plant

Last week President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Mexico for what’s traditionally called the “Three Amigos” meeting. In the daylong rendezvous, energy issues were slated to play a major role, with Obama and Harper jockeying for room when it comes to the impending decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline that would bring dirty crude oil down from Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast.

Monday, Feb 24, 2014

Top 10 Women of Solar Energy

Anyone who's tried to get a ticket to the consistently sold out Women in Solar Breakfast panels during Solar Power International knows the female contingent of this industry is passionate about carving out and defending their seats at the proverbial table.

Monday, Feb 24, 2014

Will Distributed Solar Energy Win in Massachusetts?

A recent story in the Boston Globe warned that Massachusetts utility customers could be faced with bigger electricity bills in the next 20 years. That’s because of Governor Deval Patrick’s plan to expand solar there.

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