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Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014

SolarWall® Honored along with Edison, Ford and the Panama Canal in American Society of Mechanical Engineers Exhibit

SolarWall® inventor John Hollick has been honored in an exciting new exhibit curated by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) that features the best inventions, inventors and engineering feats of the past two centuries, including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, George Westinghouse, Willis Carrier, the steam engine and the Panama Canal.

Monday, Jun 09, 2014

Solar energy poised to blossom in Utah desert

SunEdison has the most ambitious plans for Utah, with several projects in the works in southwestern Utah. The company has secured agreements to sell 33 megawatts and is negotiating contracts for another 55, according to the company’s Sam Youneszadeh. It also is eyeing four large-scale projects across sites that could generate up to 260 megawatts — about two-thirds the capacity of Salt Lake City’s Gadsby generating station.

Monday, Jun 09, 2014

Solar bill good for environment, economy: Guest commentary

Assembly Bill 2188, authored by Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi, is meaningful progress on the goals first adopted in 1978 and will create a streamlined permitting process that will help continue to drive down the cost of going solar and increase access to more Californians, writes Ken Button, president and co-founder of Verengo Inc, a Torrance-based residential solar installation company that operates in California, New York, Connecticut and New Jersey.

Monday, Jun 09, 2014

GE Unit to Invest in 32-Megawatt Solar Power Project in Japan

GE Energy Financial Services Inc., a unit of General Electric Co. (GE), will invest in a 32-megawatt solar power project in southwest Japan’s Okayama prefecture.

Monday, Jun 09, 2014

Inside Connor Barwin's Exciting Offseason

It was quite the eventful offseason for Eagles outside linebacker Connor Barwin.

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014

Great Bay Distributors to Chill Beer with Sun Power

There were plenty of reasons for Great Bay Distributors to equip the roof of its new building with a solar power system, but Ron Petrini, CEO of the beverage supplier, sums it up this way: “It was the right thing to do.” “We didn’t start with the tax benefits and return on investment and work backwards,” he explained.

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014

First Solar to Buy Skytron to Boost Europe Plant Monitors

First Solar Inc. (FSLR), the largest U.S. solar-panel manufacturer, agreed to buy Skytron Energy from AEG Power Solutions GmbH to gain access to European photovoltaic power-plant control systems and expertise.Skytron operates 600 solar power plants across Europe that generate about 5,000 megawatts of power, more than double the amount that First Solar currently manages, the Tempe, Arizona-based company said today in a statement. Terms weren’t disclosed.

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014

Solar Trees Producing Power

The Weather Channel features SEIA member Hannah Solar and Atlanta's first "solar tree."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Solar Sells 50-mw Solar Plant To Southern, Turner

First Solar Inc. said Friday it sold the 50-megawatt Macho Springs solar power plant to Southern Power Electric Power Co., a subsidiary of Southern Co., and Turner Renewable Energy. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Power from the plant, which is located in New Mexico, will be sold to El Paso Electric under a 20-year power purchase agreement.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Abengoa says CSP with storage will beat baseload gas by 2020

One of the world’s leading developers of solar energy says that solar tower technology with storage will be competitive with baseload gas generation by 2020, and able to perform similar functions without the emissions.Abengoa, the Spanish owned developer of a range of concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies, as well as solar PV, says the dramatic falls in capital costs, and rising efficiency levels, means that large scale CSP will be competing with combined cycle gas turbines on cost, efficiency, and utility by the end of the decade.

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