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Tuesday, Jul 08, 2014

2 Solar Installers Sue State of Arizona For Imposing Industry-Crippling Property Tax

Two solar panel installers filed a lawsuit against the Arizona Department of Revenue (ADOR) this week charging that the state is illegally imposing a property tax on residents who lease solar energy systems.

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2014

Enphase and Mosaic Join Forces in a Bid to Push Solar Loans and Supplant the Lease

On Tuesday morning, the two companies announced a loan offer they're calling “worry-free solar ownership."

Tuesday, Jul 01, 2014

Challenges to Financing Renewable Energy Projects on US Military Sites

Lee Peterson from CohnReznick’s National Renewable Energy Practice writes aboutsolar financing and the military.The Department of Defense (DOD) is looking to significantly increase the installation of renewable energy projects on US military bases over the next decade.

Tuesday, Jul 01, 2014

Finding Common Ground on Solar

As CEOs from either side of the debates, one from a utility and the other from a national rooftop solar company, we rarely agree on the topic — until now. A landmark bill in the Massachusetts Legislature is the first major example of our two sides finding comprehensive common ground on solar policy. If passed, the bill would help ensure a stable solar future for Massachusetts. It would also continue Massachusetts’ strong track record of leadership on renewable energy and set an example for other states across the country, write Lynn Jurich, CEO of Sunrun, and Marcy Reed, president of National Grid Massachusetts.

Tuesday, Jul 01, 2014

Obama: US to Help Chile Build Massive Solar Plant

The Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC) approved a loan guarantee of $230 million to support construction of the 141-megawatt solar plant, which is being built by Arizona-based First Solar.Read more

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014

Main Street Power Company and Partners Win 2014 "Photovoltaic Project of Distinction" Award at PV America East Conference

A three-megawatt (3 MW) solar installation built on a capped landfill in the town of Scituate, Mass., received one of four 2014 "Photovoltaic Project of Distinction" awards from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA). "Scituate Solar I" was chosen by judges from among a pool of 21 semifinalist projects. The announcement was made on June 23 at a special ceremony at the annual PV America East conference in Boston. 

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014

Will Renewable Energy Ever Meet Global Demands?

Renewable energy naysayers like Robert Bryce ("Dreaming the Impossible Green Dream," op-ed, June 12) ignore the most productive renewable technology (as does most public policy), solar thermal. This is mystifying as the majority of primary energy is used for heat, not electricity.

Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014

George Washington University, American University in DC to buy solar power from North Carolina

Two universities in the nation's capital have agreed to a major energy deal to buy more than half their power from three new solar power farms that will be built in North Carolina, the schools announced Monday night.George Washington University, American University and the George Washington University Hospital announced the 20-year agreement with Duke Energy Renewables to reduce their carbon footprints by directly tapping solar energy.  

Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014

Borrego Solar Aids Solar Power Boom in Mass.

Joe Harrison had his hands full trying to keep up with business installing solar panels last year.“It was crazy,” said Harrison, a senior project developer for Borrego Solar, a company that installs solar systems around the country. Borrego was one of the largest developers of solar power projects in Massachusetts last year.  

Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014

Rancho Cucamonga Becoming a Solar Energy Hub

As residents here are increasingly adopting solar energy to power up their homes, one solar company is hoping to stir up more interest with a new incentive program.Riverside- and San Diego-based solar energy firm Sullivan Solar Power has put forward a program offering Rancho Cucamonga residents up to $2,000 in cash. The program, modeled after the California Solar Initiative rebate program, offers early adopters the highest cash incentives. The incentive level drops as more homeowners sign up.

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