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Tuesday, Dec 03, 2013

New Studies Show Soft Costs Continue to Hamper Solar

From Climate Wire: As solar energy equipment becomes more affordable than ever, prompting millions of home and business owners to consider generating their own electricity using solar arrays, the overall cost burden of such systems is shifting decidedly toward "soft costs." These include financing, taxes, corporate fees, installation and other nonhardware charges, according to the Energy Department.

Monday, Nov 18, 2013

Rooftop Solar Could Generate Jobs

Los Angeles County could create tens of thousands of new jobs and reduce global-warming-causing carbon emissions if solar-voltaic panels are installed on just 5% of available rooftops, says a just-issued report.

Monday, Nov 18, 2013

IKEA to Build South Florida's Largest Solar Array

South Florida will soon get its largest solar array, 4,620 panels installed on the roof of a new IKEA store set to open in the Miami area next summer.

Monday, Nov 18, 2013

Main Street, Not Wall Street, is Growing Solar Energy

Since 2000, more than 1,460 MW of residential solar installations have been installed across the country and in 2012 alone, rooftop solar installations nearly doubled the installed capacity added in 2010. These growth numbers are great, but who’s behind it? Your first thought might be the wealthy Wall Street bankers or celebrities in Hollywood, but you’d be mistaken.

Monday, Nov 11, 2013

What Utility Planners Need to Know About Solar

The road to bringing more distributed solar into the utility resource mix runs through long-term planners.

Monday, Nov 11, 2013

New Apple Plant Will Run Entirely On Clean Energy

This week Apple announced its plans to open a new factory in Mesa, Arizona — a facility that “will run on 100 percent renewable energy from day one.” The move will bring a manufacturing boost to the state, creating 2,000 new jobs, all without requiring additional energy from Mesa.

Monday, Nov 11, 2013

Solar Power Begins to Shine as Environmental Benefits Pay Off

Amid polemics over rising electricity prices in Europe and the level of green energy subsidies in various countries, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that the growth in clean-energy generation is a huge success story.

Tuesday, Nov 05, 2013

New Bill Proposes US Utilities Purchase 25% of Energy from Renewables

US Senator for Colorado, Mark Udall and his cousin, Tom Udall, senator for New Mexico have teamed up to introduce legislation that would set renewable energy targets for utilities. The legislation introduces the first national threshold, for utilities to purchase 25% of their energy from renewable resources by 2025.

Monday, Nov 04, 2013

Major Companies Enhance Commitment to Solar in 2013

A growing number of major corporations with operations around the world are harnessing energy from the sun to save on electricity bills. The Solar Energy Industries Association and Vote Solar recently released data showing some of the most iconic brands have gone solar in 2013.

Monday, Nov 04, 2013

Sen. Ed Markey's 1st Senate bill would institute renewable energy standards for electric utilities

The first bill U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat, has introduced in the Senate would require utilities to generate a quarter of their electricity from renewable sources.

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