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Thursday, Sep 19, 2019

SPI Sneak Preview: Three Ways to Make the Solar Value Chain More Sustainable

It’s easy to confuse ‘renewable’ with ‘sustainable.’ Both principles lie at the core of the solar energy industry. While energy from the sun is renewable, it’s our responsibility to ensure that, as our industry grows, we take the necessary steps to create a sustainable future throughout our entire value chain. Here, I cover three areas where we can drive meaningful change on the path to sustainability.  

Tuesday, Sep 17, 2019

Solar Market Insight Report 2019 Q3

This quarterly report shows the major market trends in the U.S. solar industry. Get the latest solar data through Q2 2019

Monday, Sep 09, 2019

Federal Legislation Will Streamline Solar Permitting, Grow Clean Energy Economy

The American Energy Opportunity Act will create jobs, make U.S. energy more resilient, and reduce carbon emissions

Tuesday, Aug 27, 2019

Congressional Staffers Tour DC Solar Landmarks

Last week, New Columbia Solar hosted a Congressional Solar Tour in Washington, DC where DC legislative staff and hill staffers from across the aisle and country had the opportunity to learn how solar can benefit communities and local businesses.

Wednesday, Aug 21, 2019

SEIA CEO Abigail Hopper Dispels Common Solar Myths on National Morning Show

Last week, SEIA President and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper appeared live on The Weather Channel’s AMHQ to discuss the role of solar energy and storage in the United States.

Wednesday, Jul 03, 2019

Grid Reliability, Market Growth and Solar+ in the Lone Star State

Just weeks after SEIA announced that Texas jumped to the #6 spot in state solar production rankings, more than 500 energy professionals gathered in Austin for the annual Solar Power Texas event last week. It was a power-packed two days as regulators, utilities and executives from companies across the solar and energy storage supply chain convened to talk trends and themes on a wide range of topics critical to the Texas solar and storage market.

Monday, Jul 01, 2019

A Solar Heating & Cooling Renaissance?

As discussions about how to address climate change intensify, a frequently overlooked contributor to the global crisis are emissions from heating and cooling the air and water in homes, businesses and industrial facilities. Many might think that the power and transportation sectors are the only areas for improvement, but the global building and construction sectors are responsible for nearly 40% of carbon emissions. To fully deal with this issue, we must address HVAC concerns.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Solar Industry Lays Claim to the 2020s; Kicks Off the Solar+ Decade

  WASHINGTON, D.C. - As this decade nears a close, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has designated the next decade The Solar+ Decade.

Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019

Tariffs Take a Bite Out of American Solar Jobs

Last week marked one year since the Trump administration implemented steep tariffs on imported solar cells and modules, ending nearly a year of turmoil and uncertainty for the solar industry and its quarter-of-a-million workers.

Sunday, Jan 01, 2017

End-of-Life Considerations for Photovoltaics

The falling cost of solar has made renewable energy accessible to more people than ever before and has resulted in an exponential increase in solar adoption. With more than 400 gigawatts (GWdc) of photovoltaic (PV) modules installed globally (including 62 GWdc in the U.S. through 2018), end-of-life management is important for all PV technologies to ensure clean energy solutions are a sustainable component of the energy economy for future generations.

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