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Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020

Rebuilding Better With Solar Jobs

We can rebuild our economy better than before by enacting commonsense policies that spur longterm growth for solar, including modifying the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), streamlining the permitting process for solar projects, supporting domestic manufacturing of clean energy technologies, and investing in our nation’s electricity infrastructure. Investing in solar energy can create hundreds of thousands of jobs while addressing climate change and lowering costs for consumers.

Monday, Jul 13, 2020

Solar Industry Letter to Congress: Rebuild Better with Solar Energy

Nearly 650 solar companies signed a letter to Congress on July 13, 2020, urging them to include policies that will support the solar industry as the U.S. recovers from COVID-19. The list includes many of the largest manufacturers, owners, developers, installers and operators of solar projects across the country.

Thursday, Jun 11, 2020

Solar Market Insight Report 2020 Q2

The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market InsightTM report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry. Learn more about the U.S. Solar Market Insight Report. Released June 11, 2020.

Wednesday, Jun 03, 2020

Rebuilding America With a Clean Energy Economy

As Congress looks to put Americans back to work in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the clean energy economy offers an enormous opportunity. Clean energy industries such as solar were among the fastest-growing sectors of the economy before the pandemic hit, with significant potential to create new jobs and spur the investments that are needed to put the U.S. back on track.

Wednesday, Jun 03, 2020

U.S. Renewable and Clean Energy Industries Set Sights on Market Majority

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Within a decade, more than half of the electricity generated in the U.S. will come from clean, renewable resources supported by energy storage, according to a joint commitment today from the American wind, solar, hydropower, and energy storage industries. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), National Hydropower Association (NHA), and Energy Storage Association (ESA) have agreed to actively collaborate across their industry segments to achieve this target.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

COVID-19 Impacts on the U.S. Solar Industry

Like many American industries, the solar industry has been hit hard by COVID-19. Compounding issues, including supply chain delays, tightening of tax equity markets, homeowners’ financial concerns, shelter-in-place orders, and permitting challenges are all placing tremendous pressure on the industry. Without strategic government action, U.S. jobs and economic investment will suffer. With the right policies in place, the solar industry is poised to lead the U.S. out of this economic recession and create jobs for thousands of Americans.

Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020

This Earth Day, COVID-19 Adds to the Challenge of Fighting for a Cleaner Environment

Half a century ago on this day, millions of people marched on streets across the United States to promote a clean environment. Fifty years later, there are two crises facing our planet. One is the immediate COVID-19 pandemic. The other is climate change. At this moment, thousands of Americans have lost their clean energy jobs and hundreds of thousands are at risk. Solar projects are being delayed or cancelled, with almost 80% of solar companies from a recent SEIA survey reporting reduced business due to the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.

Thursday, Apr 16, 2020

SEIA Statement on USTR Calling to Remove Tariff Exclusions for Bifacial Solar Modules

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today the U.S. Trade Representative called for removing Section 201 tariff exclusions for bifacial solar modules. Following is a statement from John Smirnow, vice president of market strategy & general counsel for the Solar Energy Industries Association: 

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020

Supplier Diversity: Getting Started Guide & Supplier Questionnaire Template

Supplier diversity is a business strategy that ensures a diverse supplier base in the procurement of goods and services for any business or organization. It emphasizes the creation of a diverse supply chain that works to secure the inclusion of diverse groups in the procurement plans for government, not-for-profits, and private industry. Additionally, it promotes supplier participation reflective of a company’s diverse customer base and business community.

Wednesday, Mar 18, 2020

Guidance for Solar Installers, EPCs and O&M Service Providers on Managing Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

The rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic impacts private businesses in a variety of ways. Solar companies in particular will face unique challenges. Within this factsheet you will find guidance and links to additional resources, some of which are written specifically for the solar industry, while others are more general. For additional information and updates about this crisis, click here.  

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