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Topics - State Solar Policy

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Sunday, Jun 24, 2012

Report: US Solar Installations Continue to Surge in Q1 2012, but Domestic Manufacturing Woes Continue

The U.S. Solar Market Insight: Q1 2012, a report to be released tomorrow by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA®), finds that growth in solar photovoltaics (PV) markets in the U.S. is maintaining its breakneck pace from 2011.

Thursday, Jun 14, 2012

Arizona Solar

Get facts and figures on the growth of solar energy in Arizona, including companies, projects, and policy resources.

Thursday, Jun 14, 2012

Hawaii Solar

Get facts and figures on the growth of solar energy in Hawaii, including companies, projects, and policy resources.

Thursday, Jun 14, 2012

Nevada Solar

Get facts and figures on the growth of solar energy in Nevada, including companies, projects, and policy resources.

Thursday, Jun 14, 2012

Colorado Solar

Get facts and figures on the growth of solar energy in Colorado, including companies, projects, and policy resources.

Wednesday, Jun 13, 2012

Maryland Solar

Get facts and figures on the growth of solar energy in Maryland, including companies, projects, and policy resources.

Wednesday, Jun 13, 2012

SEIA Testimony on San Diego Gas & Electric Rate Structures

This testimony presents the recommendations of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) concerning the design of San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E) electric rates over the next three years. Submitted June 12th, 2012.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Solar Industry Statement on Passage of Maryland Solar Bill

Today, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed into law the Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard for Solar Energy and Solar Water Heating Systems bill (Senate Bill 791 and House Bill 1187), which accelerates the target date for achieving the state's renewable portfolio standard two-percent solar carve-out by two years and ensures the industry maintains positive, year over year job growth.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

SEIA Statement on Today's California Regulatory Decision on Net Metering

Today, the California Public Utilities Commission passed on a vote of 5-0 a new rule regarding net metering, primarily to clarify calculation of the state’s five-percent net metering cap. Net metering allows customers to earn credit for excess solar electricity they produce that is distributed to other customers on the grid. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) worked with members and stakeholders as part of the Coalition for Solar Rights asking for CPUC review of the calculation of the cap that is expected to be reached as soon as early next year by some utilities.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Obama Signs Economic Recovery Legislation; Solar Industry Poised to Create 110,000 Jobs over Next Two Years

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) President & CEO Rhone Resch today commended President Obama for signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law in Denver, Colorado and commented on how it will help stimulate the solar industry immediately.

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