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Monday, Mar 23, 2020

COVID-19 Resource: Options for Small Business

SEIA is advocating strongly for legislation which would provide much-needed assistance to the 75% of solar companies that are small businesses. Learn more about Congressional action and upcoming legislation in the attached factsheet. 

Thursday, Mar 19, 2020

Joint Letter to Congress from SEIA & AWEA

We want to emphasize the critical role our job-creating industries play in the American economy.

Wednesday, Mar 18, 2020

SEIA Statement on PJM MOPR Compliance Filing

Following is a statement from Katherine Gensler, vice president of regulatory affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association on PJM Interconnection’s compliance filing to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on how it plans to implement FERC’s order on capacity market pricing, known as the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR):

Tuesday, Mar 17, 2020

Solar Market Insight Report 2019 Year in Review

The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market InsightTM report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry. Learn more about the U.S. Solar Market Insight Report. Released March 17, 2020.

Thursday, Mar 12, 2020

Report Ranks States for Corporate Clean Energy Procurement

The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) has released the 2020 update to the Corporate Clean Energy Procurement Index. This study shows how some states have improved their rankings by enacting common sense policies regarding domestic clean energy production and therefore are more likely to attract new business development, creating thousands of jobs in their communities.

Tuesday, Mar 10, 2020

Washington State Passes Bill That Will Improve Solar Recycling Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week the Washington State House and Senate passed a bill that will update the state’s solar recycling policy. This bill will inform the final design and adoption of a comprehensive solar recycling program that is data-driven and considers the lifespan of modules that can last up to 50 years in the field.  Following is a statement from Sean Gallagher, vice president of state affairs at the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on the bill passage:

Friday, Mar 06, 2020

Virginia Passes Landmark Zero Carbon Bill That Prioritizes Solar Access

WASHINGTON D.C. — This week an amended version of the Virginia Clean Economy Act cleared the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate and is now on its way to Governor Northam’s desk for signature. This landmark bill will enable the Commonwealth to achieve the ambitious climate goals Governor Northam laid out in Executive Order 43. Following is a statement from Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), on the historic passage of the Virginia Clean Economy Act:

Friday, Feb 21, 2020

The Solar+ Decade Will Usher in Widespread Clean Energy and Massive Economic Growth

Fracking transformed the U.S. energy sector in the last decade; the abundance of low-priced natural gas dramatically shifted the economics of energy generation in the United States, causing significant market disruption and unprecedented closures of coal plants. That disruption, followed by a renewed urgency to shift toward clean, affordable, carbon-free power, provides an opening that will most likely lead solar energy to become the dominant source of new electricity generation in this coming decade if we achieve our goals.

Friday, Feb 21, 2020

SEIA Statement on FERC Directing NYISO to Favor Fossil Fuels

Following is a statement by Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO for the Solar Energy Industries Association, on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s decision to tilt the scale toward fossil fuels in New York through the “buyer side mitigation” policy, which would serve to separate everyday New Yorkers from their hard-earned money to the benefit of fossil fuel burners:

Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020

Solar Job Growth Remains Modest Under Tariff Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. solar workforce grew by 2.3% in 2019, adding 5,643 jobs in the industry’s second year under Section 201 tariffs, according to the National Solar Jobs Census 2019 released today by The Solar Foundation. The U.S. solar industry now employs 249,983 Americans, up from 244,340 in 2018. The new numbers account for jobs in Puerto Rico over the last two years.

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