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Friday, Sep 18, 2020

SEIA Continues Fight Against Unlawful PURPA Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) yesterday filed a petition for review with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of FERC Order No. 872, which unlawfully discourages the development of qualifying facilities (QF) under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). 

Thursday, Sep 17, 2020

SEIA Statement on FERC’s DER Aggregation Ruling

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today issued a final rule that clarifies how aggregated distributed energy resources (DERs) can participate in wholesale power markets.

Thursday, Sep 10, 2020

Solar Market Insight Report 2020 Q3

The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market Insight report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry.

Wednesday, Sep 09, 2020

100 Gigawatts of Domestic Manufacturing Capacity by 2030

Photo Courtesy of PV Evolution Labs You probably heard the arguments why U.S. solar manufacturing can’t compete. Our labor costs are too high. It’s all automated so there aren’t that many jobs anyways. And it’s too late, we can’t catch-up with other countries. But what about the fact that there are already tens of thousands of Americans employed in renewable energy manufacturing; that manufacturing has the highest jobs multiplier of any industry; or that the U.S. has some of the best research laboratories in the world?

Tuesday, Jul 21, 2020

Corporate Energy Buyers Letter to Congress in Support of Clean Energy Recovery Legislation

Dozens of major corporations and global brands signed a letter to Congressional leadership, urging them to pass measures in upcoming COVID-19 recovery legislation that will spur clean energy growth. 

Thursday, Jul 16, 2020

New York Public Service Commission Extends Net Metering for Solar Customers Based on COVID Impacts

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) signaled that it will extend net metering through January 2022 for current customers based on the devastating impact COVID-19 has had on the solar industry. In addition, the NYPSC   established modest changes to net metering that will impact future rooftop solar customers in 2022.

Thursday, Jul 16, 2020

FERC Makes the Right Decision, Dismisses Misguided Net Metering Petition

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission today rejected a controversial petition to end state and local jurisdiction over net metering programs. The petition was brought by the New England Ratepayers Association (NERA) and drew significant bipartisan pushback from around the country.Following is a statement by Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association, on this decision: 

Thursday, Jul 16, 2020

SEIA Statement on FERC Changes to PURPA Implementation Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following is a statement from SEIA’s vice president of regulatory affairs, Katherine Gensler, on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC's) approval of changes to PURPA implementation rules.

Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020

Rebuilding Better With Solar Jobs

We can rebuild our economy better than before by enacting commonsense policies that spur longterm growth for solar, including modifying the solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), streamlining the permitting process for solar projects, supporting domestic manufacturing of clean energy technologies, and investing in our nation’s electricity infrastructure. Investing in solar energy can create hundreds of thousands of jobs while addressing climate change and lowering costs for consumers.

Tuesday, Jul 14, 2020

Surprise Announcement from Utilities on Energy Imbalance Market Ignores Stakeholder Input

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following is a statement from Katherine Gensler, vice president of regulatory affairs of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on the Energy Imbalance Market news from Southeastern utilities. 

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