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Monday, Aug 25, 2014

Strategies for Mitigating the Reduction in Economic Value of Variable Generation with Increasing Penetration Levels

Looking at 4 variable generation technologies (wind, single-axis tracking PV, CSP with no storage, & CSP with thermal energy storage), the authors look at the benefits of mitigation measures. In particular, the authors are looking at specific mitigation measures to first find those measures that provide an increase to the value of variable generation technologies and then seeks to determine whether such mitigation measures are themselves economically attractive. Some of the conclusions the authors come to: 

Monday, Jul 28, 2014

IREC's US Solar Market Trends Report 2014

IREC's annual US Solar Market Trends Report 2014 gathers and analyzes publicly available data for US solar installations by technology, state and market sector. 

Wednesday, Jul 16, 2014

Federal Government Forecasts Big Gains for Solar Energy

A new report issued today by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) predicts that most new electric generation capacity in the United States through 2040 will come from natural gas and renewable energy. Of the 83 gigawatts (GW) of renewable capacity additions being forecast, nearly half is expected to come from photovoltaic (PV) systems. After reviewing the report, Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Industries Association (SEIA), released the following statement:

Friday, Jul 11, 2014

Iowa Supreme Court Hands Down Huge Win for Solar

In a setback to the regulated utility model, the Iowa Supreme Court has ruled that a power purchase agreement (PPA) between the city of Dubuque and Eagle Point Solar does not violate state law. Regulated utility companies had fought the arrangement, claiming to have exclusive rights to sell to customers in their service areas. Today, Iowa’s high court disagreed.

Tuesday, Jul 08, 2014

New Nevada Study Shows Huge Upside to Installing Solar

A new independent study prepared for the Nevada Public Utilities Commission estimates that the grid benefits of rooftop solar systems installed in the state through 2016 will outweigh costs by more than $36 million, confirming that solar energy can provide real savings for both solar and non-solar customers alike.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Solar Market Insight Report 2014 Q1

U.S. Solar Market Insight™ is a collaboration between the Solar Energy Industries Association® (SEIA®) and GTM Research that brings high-quality, solar-specific analysis and forecasts to industry professionals in the form of quarterly and annual reports. Released May 29, 2014.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Solar Energy Poised To Help States Combat Pollution

In the ongoing war on pollution, there’s an increasingly bright light shining through the haze: solar energy.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Report Details Opportunities for Advanced Electronics as PV Penetration Increases

With a projected growth rate of 300% in the US over the next four years, distributed solar presents a number of challenges to the current distribution grid. This report from GTM Research details the new power electronics equipment used to address these challenges and provides descriptions of key markets, financing activity in the sector and state level market forecasting.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lobbying Your Member of Congress - How to Win Friends & Influence Policy on Capital Hill

Learn the what, who, and why of lobbying on Capitol Hill. Knowing what to say and what not to say is key to communicating your message effectively to legislators and their staff.

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