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Friday, Mar 16, 2012

U.S. Solar Market Insight

Information on the size, growth and electric generating capacity of the U.S. solar industry. Latest report: 2022 Year in Review, released March 9, 2023

Wednesday, Mar 07, 2012

Solar Photovoltaic Technology

This presentation covers the basics of solar photovoltaic technology, markets and policy.

Monday, Feb 20, 2012

Behind the Solyndra Headlines

The Solyndra bankruptcy is not indicative of the health of the U.S. solar industry and as with any competitive and dynamic market some companies will prosper and others will fail

Saturday, Feb 18, 2012

SEIA Files Petition on Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Interconnection Standards

WASHINGTON - The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) submitted a petition today requesting a rulemaking to update Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) interconnection standards for small photovoltaic generation. The filing targets certain provisions of the "Standardization of Small Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures" or "Order No. 2006," which was established in 2005.

Sunday, Feb 12, 2012

Solar Industry FERC Filing on Small Generator Interconnection Procedure

SEIA requests that the Commission adopt a photovoltaic-specific alternative to the "15 percent rule or screen" that applies to the "fast track" interconnection of small generation

Saturday, Oct 01, 2011

National Solar Survey 2011

According to a new survey conducted by Kelton Research on behalf of SCHOTT Solar and the Solar Energy Industries Association™ (SEIA™), if Americans were in charge of the country’s energy policy, solar once again tops the list of energy sources that they would choose to support.

Friday, Apr 01, 2011

Residential Photovoltaic Installations Increase Home Value in California

A new report from Lawrence Berkeley National Labs shows that residential photovoltaic energy systems in California help to increase home sales prices.  The report, "An Analysis of the Effects of Residential Photovoltaic Energy Systems on Home Sales Prices in California", finds that on average, homes with photovoltaic energy systems receive a $3.9 to $6.4 per watt premium on home sales.  This cooresponds to a $17,000 premium for a home with a 3.1 kilowatt system.CA Home Prices.pdf

Friday, May 21, 2010

Poll Reports 94% of Americans Say It's Important for the U.S. to Develop and Use Solar Energy

A vast majority of Americans, across all political parties, overwhelmingly support development and funding of solar energy. Ninety-one percent of Republicans, 97 percent of Democrats and 98 percent of Independents agree that developing solar power is vital to the United States.

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