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Topics - State Solar Policy

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Tuesday, Apr 16, 2013

Colorado bill moves on to up renewable energy usage for co-ops

The Colorado Senate — over the strong objections of rural Republican lawmakers — passed a bill Monday increasing the amount of renewable energy that rural electricity cooperatives must use.

Monday, Apr 15, 2013

Favorable Permitting Practices Can Reduce PV Costs 4%-12%

A recent Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report finds that streamlined city permitting practices can reduce the cost of installed PV systems by $0.27-$0.77 per watt, relative to cities with less favorable permitting standards. Development times can be shorted by an average of 24 days, under favorable permitting standards.

Wednesday, Apr 10, 2013

Bill increasing renewable standard for rural co-ops passes committee

A move to bolster Colorado's renewable energy standard by requiring an increase in renewable power for rural electric cooperatives was approved late Monday by a state legislative committee after nearly seven hours of debate.

Tuesday, Apr 09, 2013

Editorial: Keep it clean

Ohio's clean-energy law is creating jobs, promoting advanced manufacturing and small business, diversifying the state’s power supply, improving public health by reducing pollution, and lowering utility bills.

Friday, Apr 05, 2013

APS sets record in 2012 for solar power installation

Arizona Public Service Co. set a record last year for the amount of solar power installed throughout its service territory, accounting for about 21 percent of the total installed across the state.

Friday, Mar 29, 2013

States Cooling to Renewable Energy

Legislatures in half the states that require electric utilities to buy renewable energy are considering proposals to roll back those mandates.

Friday, Mar 29, 2013

NY awards $46M for 76 solar energy projects

The state is awarding $46 million to help finance 76 large-scale solar energy projects across New York.

Thursday, Mar 28, 2013

Gov. Cuomo’s NY-Sun Competitive Solar Program Off to a Bright Start

March 28, 2013 – Albany, NY – Governor Cuomo’s NY-Sun Competitive PV Program is drawing strong participation from New York energy customers and solar developers.  In a successful first round, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) awarded $46 million for 76 large-scale projects totaling 52 megawatts (MW) of new solar capacity, enough to power nearly 9,000 New York homes. Solar advocates and industry applauded the early results of the program and the state’s continued commitment to bringing reliable clean power and local solar jobs to New York.

Monday, Mar 25, 2013

2013 Policy Priorities- Federal & State

In 2013, the Solar Energy Industries Association is working at the federal and state levels to expand markets, remove market barriers, and increase available financing for solar projects.

Monday, Mar 25, 2013

Ohio lawmakers take up wind, solar energy rule

Battle lines are being drawn over whether Ohio should scrap its renewable energy standard, which requires power companies to generate a portion of their electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind.

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