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Topics - Renewable Energy Deployment

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Thursday, Aug 28, 2014

Solar Market Insight Report 2014 Q2

U.S. Solar Market Insight™ is a collaboration between the Solar Energy Industries Association® (SEIA®) and GTM Research that brings high-quality, solar-specific analysis and forecasts to industry professionals in the form of quarterly and annual reports. Released September 4, 2014.

Monday, Aug 25, 2014

Strategies for Mitigating the Reduction in Economic Value of Variable Generation with Increasing Penetration Levels

Looking at 4 variable generation technologies (wind, single-axis tracking PV, CSP with no storage, & CSP with thermal energy storage), the authors look at the benefits of mitigation measures. In particular, the authors are looking at specific mitigation measures to first find those measures that provide an increase to the value of variable generation technologies and then seeks to determine whether such mitigation measures are themselves economically attractive. Some of the conclusions the authors come to: 

Monday, Aug 18, 2014

Comparing Photovoltaic (PV) Costs and Deployment Drivers in the Japanese and U.S. Residential and Commercial Markets

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory releases their new report "Comparing Photovoltaic (PV) Costs and Deployment Drivers in the Japanese and U.S. Residential and Commercial Markets". Key findings from the report found that system prices as well as soft costs were cheaper in Japan. In particular, customer acquisition and system design were both found to be significantly lower in Japan than the US. 

Monday, Aug 11, 2014

Lighting the Way: The Top Ten States that Helped Drive America's Solar Energy Boom in 2013

This 51-page report from Environment Illinois and the Frontier Group examines solar deployment at the state level and finds that strong solar policies have driven deployment growth in the top solar states. The report highlights the ability of other states to follow these successes by implementing similar policies.

Monday, Jul 28, 2014

IREC's US Solar Market Trends Report 2014

IREC's annual US Solar Market Trends Report 2014 gathers and analyzes publicly available data for US solar installations by technology, state and market sector. 

Monday, Jul 21, 2014

Integrating Solar PV in Utility System Operations

As solar PV continues to expand, utilities are increasingly conducting studies on how best to integrate these resources into the grid. Argonne National Laboratory has released their most recent study on the topic which examines the decisions and processes made in the day-ahead, hour-ahead and real time markets.

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014

Cheaper, Reliable Renewable Energy Is Ready to Help States Meet EPA’s New Carbon Rule Cost-Effectively

Renewable energy industries have done their part to cut costs and are already helping every state make progress to cut their carbon emissions. Even better, these industries can help states make even more significant reductions, in accordance with the proposed rule – saving consumers money and driving local economic development in the process.

Monday, Jun 02, 2014

Survey of State-Level Cost and Benefit Estimates of Renewable Portfolio Standards

The report summarizes state-level RPS costs to date and considers how those costs may evolve going forward given scheduled increases in RPS targets and cost containment mechanisms incorporated into existing policies. The report also summarizes RPS benefits estimates, based on published studies for individual states, and discusses key methodological considerations.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Solar Market Insight Report 2014 Q1

U.S. Solar Market Insight™ is a collaboration between the Solar Energy Industries Association® (SEIA®) and GTM Research that brings high-quality, solar-specific analysis and forecasts to industry professionals in the form of quarterly and annual reports. Released May 29, 2014.

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