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Topics - Environment & Sustainability

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Tuesday, Jun 30, 2015

Shining Rewards: The Value of Rooftop Solar Power for Consumers and Society

Solar energy is on the rise in the United States. At the end of the first quarter of 2015, more than 21,300 megawatts of cumulative solar electric capacity had been installed around the country, enough to power more than 4.3 million homes. The rapid growth of solar energy in the United States is the result of forward-looking policies that are helping the nation reduce its contribution to global warming and expand its use of local renewable energy sources.

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015

New Report Shows Growth of Clean Solar Energy Benefitting Environment

In celebration of today’s 45th annual Earth Day, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) plans to mark the historic occasion every 2.5 minutes of every hour of the day, as a new solar installation is completed in America. What’s more, new figures from the U.S. Solar Market Insight 2014 Year in Review show a record amount of new, clean solar energy coming online over the next 20 months, greatly benefitting the environment.

Monday, Apr 13, 2015

Bridging the Clean Energy Divide: Affordable Clean Energy Solutions for Today and Tomorrow

In their new report, the National Resources Defense Council delves into the impacts of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan on more vulnerable communities. The NRDC examines the affordable solutions available that can provide the health and efficiency benefits to all Americans - including low- and fixed-income Americans.

Tuesday, Mar 31, 2015

SEIA Praises White House Plan to Fight Climate Change

WASHINGTON, DC - Vowing to do its part, the U.S. solar energy industry is “uniquely positioned” to help America meet its goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to Rhone Resch, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Today, the White House unveiled a blueprint for reducing greenhouse gases in the U.S. by up to 28 percent by 2025, with SEIA pledging its support to help meet those goals.

Monday, Mar 23, 2015

Efficient Use of Land to Meet Sustainable Energy Needs

Solar energy within the built environment may be an overlooked opportunity for meeting sustainable energy needs in places with land and environmental constraints.

Thursday, Mar 19, 2015

SEIA Applauds Efforts to Increase Renewable Energy Use by Federal Government

WASHINGTON, DC - With solar panels on top of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) headquarters serving as a backdrop, President Obama today vowed to cut the federal government’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent over the next decade from 2008 levels, saving taxpayers up to $18 billion in a avoided energy costs.

Friday, Feb 13, 2015

A Handbook for States: Incorporating Renewable Energy into State Compliance Plans for EPA's Clean Power Plan

Prepared by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and SEIA, this handbook is intended as a starting point for states that are considering renewable energy as a compliance tool for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed regulation of carbon emissions from existing power plants (Clean Power Plan) under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act (CAA).

Thursday, Jan 15, 2015

New Jobs Report Shows Value of Solar Energy to U.S. Economy

WASHINGTON, DC - Growing at an annual rate of more than 20 percent – far outpacing the growth of the overall U.S. economy, a new report released today shows that the U.S. solar industry added more than 31,000 jobs in 2014, bringing total employment in the sector to 173,807 workers.  The results were released by The Solar Foundation (TSF), a widely-respected, non-profit organization.

Tuesday, Dec 09, 2014

U.S. Solar Installations Soar In Q3; Total Capacity Hits 17.5 GW

This post also appeared on Renewable Energy World. Click here to viewAny way you look at it, the sun continues to shine brightly on America’s solar energy industry.

Tuesday, Jun 03, 2014

Cheaper, Reliable Renewable Energy Is Ready to Help States Meet EPA’s New Carbon Rule Cost-Effectively

Renewable energy industries have done their part to cut costs and are already helping every state make progress to cut their carbon emissions. Even better, these industries can help states make even more significant reductions, in accordance with the proposed rule – saving consumers money and driving local economic development in the process.

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