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Wednesday, Jul 27, 2022

Solar and Storage Industry Statement on Reconciliation Deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. —   Following is a statement from SEIA president and CEO Abigail Ross Hopper on the reports of a reconciliation deal between Senator Manchin and Leader Schumer:

Tuesday, Jul 12, 2022

Over 400 Companies Urge Congress to Act as Solar Industry Rallies for Reconciliation Push

WASHINGTON D.C. — The U.S. solar and storage industry and its allies are ramping up a push for Congress to pass a reconciliation bill with historic clean energy deployment and manufacturing provisions. Over 400 solar and storage companies sent a letter to congressional leaders today urging them to pass the legislation as hundreds of clean energy advocates make calls to offices on Capitol Hill.

Monday, Jul 11, 2022

Industry Sign-on Letter Supporting a Strong Clean Energy Reconciliation Package

On July 12, 2022, hundreds of companies across the clean energy industry in the U.S. sent a clear message to lawmakers: pass a reconciliation bill without delay that invests in America's clean energy future. 

Thursday, Jul 07, 2022

Seal the #AmericanEnergyDeal: Congress, It’s Time to Invest in U.S. Clean Energy

President Biden entered the Oval Office on the promise of a new energy economy that would revive economic opportunities for American workers, drive down costs and slash emissions. Now, a year and a half later, action is even more urgent. As the window of opportunity narrows for Congress to act, the time is now to cut an American Energy Deal.

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