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Wednesday, Sep 08, 2021

Nearly 750 U.S. Solar Companies Unite for Long-Term Federal Policy Certainty

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nearly 750 companies from across the U.S. solar supply chain sent a letter to Congress today urging action on policies that drive clean energy deployment and help us tackle the climate crisis.

Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021

Leading by Example: Powering Schools and Public Infrastructure with Solar and Storage

As the White House and Congress work on infrastructure and budget legislation, families across the country are getting ready for their kids to go back to school. We now have a real opportunity to lead by example and make significant investments in clean energy infrastructure that can power our public facilities, like schools, for decades to come.

Tuesday, Aug 17, 2021

Solar Industry Comment on White House Call for Solar Investments

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today President Biden and the U.S. Department of Energy released an Issue Brief on solar energy research, deployment and workforce priorities. The report details a number of priorities that are important to the solar industry.

Tuesday, Aug 10, 2021

House Letter Calls on Leadership to Include Clean Energy Priorities in Infrastructure Package

A group of lawmakers, led by Representatives Blumenauer, Levin, Barragán, McEachin and Crow, sent a letter to House leadership urging them to ensure clean energy tax provisions are included in the upcoming infrastructure package.

Tuesday, Aug 03, 2021

Solar Industry Statement on the August 2021 Petition for Solar Tariffs

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Following is a statement from John Smirnow, vice president of market strategy and general counsel at the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on the August 2, 2021 Section 201 petition:

Monday, Aug 02, 2021

American Climate Leadership: A Long-Term Commitment to Clean Energy

If Congress prioritizes smart, long-term solar policies, we can tackle the climate crisis and ensure a bright future for generations of Americans to come.

Tuesday, Jul 20, 2021

Supply Chain Woes Call Attention to Solar Manufacturing Possibilities

The U.S. solar industry achieved a critical milestone this year, surpassing 100 gigawatts (GW) of installed electric generating capacity. While the industry continues to experience tremendous growth, rising costs in the solar sector pose a major threat to this momentum. Fortunately, there are smart policy solutions, like investments in domestic manufacturing, that can help.

Thursday, Jul 15, 2021

FERC Proposes Overhaul of Transmission and Interconnection Rules

Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) on reforms to transmission and interconnection rules for energy projects.

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2021

Solar Industry Urges Congress to Fully Fund Energy Storage Shot and Renewable Energy Research

Today the Biden Administration unveiled details for its fiscal year 2022 budget request for the U.S. Department of Energy.

Tuesday, Jul 13, 2021

Hot Solar Summer: Building Back Better with Clean Energy Infrastructure

America is facing an unprecedented opportunity to enact bold federal policies to decarbonize our electric grid and generate hundreds of thousands of quality clean energy jobs. To achieve this, SEIA is mobilizing a nationwide campaign urging leaders in Washington to act.

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