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Thursday, Nov 21, 2013

SEIA Applauds FERC Small Generation Interconnection Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Saying it will help to spur solar deployment nationwide, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) praised a new rule approved today by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that will expedite and reduce the cost of solar project interconnection, while maintaining the reliability and safety of the electric grid.

Tuesday, Oct 01, 2013

SEIA Urges Congress to End Government Shutdown

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Concerned that a prolonged government shutdown could do long-term harm to the U.S. economy, SEIA President and CEO Rhone Resch today issued the following statement:

Monday, Jul 08, 2013

SEIA reply comments on SGIP proposed rule

SEIA filed additional comments in the FERC rulemaking which proposes changes to the Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP), docket RM13-2-000.SEIA's comments again express support for the proposed rule, as written, and object to proposals made by other parties to increase the cost and amount of time it takes to process interconnection requests.

Monday, Mar 25, 2013

2013 Policy Priorities- Federal & State

In 2013, the Solar Energy Industries Association is working at the federal and state levels to expand markets, remove market barriers, and increase available financing for solar projects.

Sunday, Feb 12, 2012

Solar Industry FERC Filing on Small Generator Interconnection Procedure

SEIA requests that the Commission adopt a photovoltaic-specific alternative to the "15 percent rule or screen" that applies to the "fast track" interconnection of small generation

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