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Section 201 Tariff Update and Questionnaires

The International Trade Commission is seeking responses to a questionnaire that will inform their decision on continuing the Section 201 tariffs on imported solar cells and panels stemming from Suniva’s 2017 petition. This is an extremely important opportunity to provide accurate information to the ITC and ensure that their analysis is reflective of current solar market dynamics.

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SolarAPP+ and Installers: How to Help

SolarAPP+ is a collaborative effort from the Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, SEIA, solar installers and local governments to accelerate rooftop solar adoption. This innovative platform makes it easier for Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) to quickly and safely approve standardized rooftop PV projects for installation.

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Promoting Solar Deployment Through Soft Cost Reduction

Local governments have tremendous influence on the pace of solar energy growth in their municipalities, but unnecessary paperwork, red tape, and other burdensome requirements increase installation costs and discourage solar market growth.

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Transform Renewable Asset Management: Reduce Redundant Manual Processes

$303 billion was spent on global renewable energy investments in 2020. Have you ever wondered why we are still hand-typing critical data and contract clauses into an Excel spreadsheet to manage our assets? There is a better way.

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Solar Energy Projects & Economic Development for Tribal Nations

Solar energy resources account for nearly 90% of renewable energy generation capacity on tribal lands, and there is incredible economic potential for continued renewable energy development in tribal communities.

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Hot Solar Summer: Your Company’s Role in a Nationwide Campaign for Transformative Federal Policies

We have an unprecedented opportunity this year to enact bold federal policies that can transform the U.S. clean energy economy — but only if we do our part. SEIA is mobilizing a nationwide campaign to advocate for policies that will create jobs, increase solar deployment, and bring the benefits of clean energy to communities across the country.

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