SEIA 201: Solar and Energy Storage Installation Requirements Standard: Residential and Small Commercial Systems

SEIA 201: Solar and Energy Storage Installation Requirements Standard: Residential and Small Commercial Systems creates a new baseline for how residential and small commercial solar and storage systems are installed and covers electrical and fire safety, distribution grid connections, and various weather and environmental conditions. Companies will receive a third-party audit of their written practices and field installations, helping to ensure safe installations and create a better experience for solar customers throughout the life of their system. 

These SEIA Standards are now open for a 45-day public comment. Written comments received during the open public comment period will only be accepted through the Standards Public Review Comment Form.

Comments must list the section/sub-section, along with the paragraph or figure/table, the description of suggested change, and the justification. All comments must include the name, entity affiliation, and e-mail of the submitter. Comments received without this information will not be considered.

The following standards have been developed in accordance with the ANSI Essential Requirements under the Solar Energy Industries Association’s (SEIA) Standards Development Policy and Procedures. SEIA publications, including without limitation all editorial materials, informational text, photographs, illustrations, artwork and other graphic materials, and names, logos, trademarks, and service marks, are the property of the Solar Energy Industries Association, Inc® (SEIA®) and are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.