State’s largest solar field under construction in Milford

Milford soon will be home to Delaware’s largest solar field

Milford Beacon

Milford, Del. — Milford will be home to Delaware’s largest solar field – and one of the biggest on the East Coast – when work is completed on an 80-acre array currently under construction off of Milford-Harrington Highway.

“I don’t know if people know what’s going on over there or, if they do, just how big it’s going to be,” City Manager Richard Carmean said this week. “It’s really going to be something and we’re excited to have this project here in Milford.”

The $50 million project is owned by PSEG Solar Source, a subsidiary of New Jersey-based Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG), which purchased it from the Colorado-based solar energy company Juwi Solar on Sept 24. Juwi will continue to oversee the construction project and will be responsible for operation and maintenance services once the solar field is complete.