WASHINGTON – The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA®) and the New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA) today announced a formalized partnership to coordinate the resources of both organizations and promote the growth of New York’s solar energy market.
“NYSEIA is excited to collaborate with SEIA on important items such as the Solar Jobs bill. We need this bill for three reasons. It will enable New York State to become a leader in the use of solar electric and solar thermal applications in the country. Secondly, by creating strong demand, a fast-growing solar industry will serve as the engine for much needed job growth in New York. And most importantly, all New Yorkers will benefit from a cleaner environment and a more robust economy.”
“With a growing population and high electricity prices, New York has a golden opportunity to be one of the leading solar markets in the U.S.,” said Rhone Resch, President and CEO of SEIA. “The combination of SEIA’s national resources and NYSEIA’s on-the-ground efforts will give New York a big boost in meeting its solar market potential. I look forward to working closely with NYSEIA to help create new jobs and opportunities for people in New York and across the country.
Today, solar energy is one of the fastest growing energy technologies in the United States. The U.S. solar industry now employs more than 100,000 Americans who work at more than 5,000 companies, mostly small businesses, located in every state. With the expansion of the U.S. solar industry, the costs of solar panels have declined by 30 percent since the beginning of 2010. Solar electric power across the country currently surpasses 3,100 megawatts, enough to power 630,000 American homes.
According to the Solar Foundation’s “2011 Solar Jobs Census,” the state ranks fifth in the country with more than 4,200 New Yorkers employed in the solar industry. There are 263 companies operating in New York’s solar value chain, according to SEIA. Through the first half of 2011, solar electric capacity in the state stood at 64 megawatts, enough power for almost 13,000 homes.
The mission of the New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA) is to promote the growth of the Solar Industry in New York State. To achieve this objective, NYSEIA serves as the voice of all segments of the solar industry in New York; educates public officials and the public regarding the benefits of solar power; obtains regulatory and statutory support of the solar industry from state and local officials; conducts events to promote the industry and educate the public; provides services as needed to our members.