Navigating the Inflation Reduction Act’s Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Requirements


Nov 18, 2024


The solar and clean energy industries are seeing a surge in demand for expertise on how to implement and comply with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)’s Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship (PWA) requirements. In order to receive full value of the 30% tax credit for solar and clean energy projects above 1 MW in size, projects must meet these IRA labor provision requirements.

This virtual  event will provide the practical knowledge and tools companies need to implement and document their efforts correctly for IRA Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship requirement compliance. This event incorporates the ‘Final Rule’ guidance published on June 25, 2024. In addition, the event will also include a brief overview of the U.S. national apprenticeship system including information on how companies are navigating the various types of apprenticeship options and resources for companies looking to join, register, or expand a Registered Apprenticeship program.

This virtual event will include robust Q&A on Prevailing Wage Requirement Compliance, Apprenticeship Requirement Compliance, and the U.S. Registered Apprenticeship System. Audience members will be invited to provide their questions in advance as well as ask live questions during the event.

Whether you are involved in determining prevailing wage classifications, documenting apprentice requests, or deciding on your company’s apprenticeship approach, this training will provide you with useful insights and takeaways.  This event is designed for project owners/developers, EPCs, and subcontractors to better equip their HR managers, apprenticeship managers, payroll managers, on-site supervisors and others involved in their companies’ construction projects that fall under these requirements.

Register for this virtual event and join us on November 18, 2024 from 9am PT/12pm ET – 1pm PT/4pm ET!


  • Cristina Aguirre, Labor Compliance Senior Analyst and Lead Trainer, Alliant Consulting 
  • Richard Lawrence, Senior Director, Workforce & Industry Engagement, Interstate Renewable Energy Council 
  • Bill Kraus, Senior Apprenticeship Consultant, Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation 


  • $175 for SEIA members
  • $250 for nonmembers


12:00 – 12:10 | Welcome from SEIA

12:10 – 1:10 | Deep Dive on IRA Prevailing Wage Compliance

Speaker: Cristina Aguirre, Labor Compliance Analyst/Lead Trainer, Alliant Consulting

  • Background on Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) & Qualified Facilities
  • Overview of Prevailing Wage Requirements
  • Finding the Federal Wage Determination
  • Scope of Work Overview/Missing Classifications
  • Craft Matching Process
  • Making Classification Requests

1:10 – 1:50 pm | Q&A on IRA Prevailing Wage Compliance

1:50 – 2:00 pm | BREAK  

2:00 – 2:40 pm | Deep Dive on IRA Registered Apprenticeship Implementation, Recordkeeping Requirements, and Penalties

Speaker: Cristina Aguirre, Labor Compliance Analyst/Lead Trainer, Alliant Consulting

  • Apprenticeship Labor Hour Requirements
    • What records and information related to apprenticeship programs and apprentices do companies need to retain?
  • Apprentice Ratio Requirements
    • How can companies determine correct apprentice to journey worker ratios/supervision in various states/localities for various occupations?
  • Apprentice Participation Requirements
    • What is the Good Faith Exception?
    • Good Faith Exception Example Scenarios
  • Recordkeeping Requirements
    • What records and information do taxpayers and payroll management staff need to maintain?
  • Penalties & Cure Provisions
  • Key Differences between IRA Final & Proposed Rule

2:40 – 3:00 pm | Q&A on IRA Registered Apprenticeship Implementation & Compliance

3:00 – 3:10 pm | BREAK

3:10 – 3:30 | Overview of Registered Apprenticeship System and How Solar Companies are Navigating IRA Apprenticeship Requirements

  • Overview of Registered Apprenticeship and the National Apprenticeship System
  • Apprenticeship options and occupations for solar companies
  • Resources for companies looking to join, register, or expand a Registered Apprenticeship program.  


  • Richard Lawrence, Senior Director, Workforce & Industry Engagement, Interstate Renewable Energy Council
  • Bill Kraus, Senior Apprenticeship Consultant, Institute for Workplace Skills and Innovation

3:30 – 4:00 pm | Q&A on Registered Apprenticeship System, Options, and Resources