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Tuesday, Aug 07, 2012

What is Congress Waiting For?

Congress should absolutely extend the wind tax credit – and do so swiftly. Voters overwhelmingly want more clean energy now and they support the policies that accelerate renewable energy deployment.

Tuesday, Aug 07, 2012

Two Nevada Solar Projects Put on Federal Fast Track

Two solar projects planned on federal and tribal lands in Clark County are being put on a fast track as part of the Obama administration's latest push behind green energy in the West.

Tuesday, Aug 07, 2012

Schumer Calls for Solar Energy Improvement

Senator Charles Schumer is pushing for the use of solar energy in New York State. The U.S. Senator was in Kingston saying he wants to see improvements to a program that provides energy credits to solar panel owners depending on how much energy they use, also known as net metering.

Tuesday, Aug 07, 2012

Obama Administration Announces Seven Major Renewable Energy Projects to be Expedited

Today, as a part of his We Can’t Wait initiative, President Obama announced that seven nationally and regionally significant solar and wind energy projects will be expedited, including projects in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Wyoming.

Monday, Aug 06, 2012

Initiative Brings Solar Power to Recovery Center

Trish Hussey and Rita Leadem stretched a ribbon in front of a solar panel set up just outside the front door of the Freedom House Recovery Center on Thursday afternoon.

Monday, Aug 06, 2012

How N.J. solar energy outshines the other 49 states

The Armpit of America. Dirty Jersey. Nearly every New Jerseyan is familiar with such jeers leveled at the Garden State. Yet in spite of the images - or smells - such terms may evoke, the Christie administration recently signed into law bipartisan legislation to support and maintain the solar incentive market that has made New Jersey the solar powerhouse of America. It is thoroughly encouraging to see bipartisan cooperation in Trenton continue to show support for a clean, renewable energy source - both for the sake of New Jersey and for the nation.

Monday, Aug 06, 2012

U.S. Military's Big Plan For Renewable Energy Projects

The U.S. Department of Defense plans to open up 16 million acres of its land for renewable energy development, which it hopes will create a boom of solar, wind and geothermal projects and provide clean power to military bases, the department announced Monday.

Monday, Aug 06, 2012

New Mass. Law Seeks Boost in Renewable Energy

Gov. Deval Patrick has signed an energy bill that requires Massachusetts utilities to buy more of their electricity in competitively bid, long-term contracts with renewable energy providers.

Monday, Aug 06, 2012

Minnesota Dept. of Commerce to Help Streamline Solar Installations

When it comes to installing solar energy in Minnesota, advocates say, the path to going green is often snarled in red tape.

Thursday, Aug 02, 2012

3rd Update: First Solar to Boost Production as Profit, Sales Climb

First Solar Inc. (FSLR) said it will boost production to meet rising demand, despite a glut in the global solar-panel market, and the company's second-quarter profit jumped 82%, triggering a stock rally.

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