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Wednesday, Nov 07, 2012

The Next Four Years: Voters Re-Elect An 'Important Ally' For Solar

With President Barack Obama now elected to a second term, will the U.S. solar market continue its pace of expansion? Although the solar sector's membership comprises voters with diverse political views, most industry leaders characterize the Obama win as a positive for the continued development of solar projects large and small.

Tuesday, Nov 06, 2012

Voters agree on one thing: policies that support solar energy

The best billboard for solar power is a solar panel. People are captivated and inspired by solar panels quietly at work producing clean energy. Last month, Americans saw tens of thousands of these billboards through almost 600 American Solar Energy Society (ASES) tours of homes, municipal buildings and businesses in 38 states, each demonstrating the use of clean, affordable solar power.

Monday, Nov 05, 2012

Clean-tech's future hinges on election

"If private investors say no to you, and green investors like the people at Google or Al Gore say no to you, and you only have Uncle Sam to turn to, what does that tell you about your project?" said Jerry Taylor, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute libertarian think tank.

Monday, Nov 05, 2012

U.S. Solar Jobs Outpace Total Economy, Non-Profit Says

The U.S. solar energy industry added jobs at about 5.74 times the rate of the rest of the economy in the 12 months ended in September, according to a report from the Solar Foundation.

Friday, Nov 02, 2012

Solar industry jobs up 13 percent from 2011

Some solar power companies may be struggling to keep their doors open, but a new report issued Friday shows the nascent industry is adding jobs at a brisk pace.

Thursday, Nov 01, 2012

Solar power fuels home, store on Valencia farm

T. Lyle Ferderber of Frankferd Farms in Valencia has been harvesting grains such as corn, oats, and barley for more than 30 years. Recently he has taken to harvesting another crop -- sunshine.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012

State plan puts solar in all public schools

In what could become the largest solar power project of its kind in the nation, the Department of Education is proposing to install photovoltaic panels on every public school in Hawaii over the next five years in a bid to cut electricity costs and move the state closer to its renewable energy goals.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012

Bill Clinton Throws His Support Behind Michigan’s Renewable Energy Ballot Initiative

Michigan is playing host to a major battle over renewable energy this fall. On one side are clean energy proponents promoting a ballot initiative that would increase the state’s renewable electricity targets to 25 percent by 2025. On the other side are large coal-dependent utilities fighting to prevent any new increases.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012

New Solar Project at Great Falls High Prepares Students for Jobs in Renewable Energy Fields

Great Falls High decided to expand their science solar project after the first installation of two solar panels went so well. Now there are 72 solar panels on the roof of south campus, helping to power the entire building.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012

The case for a distributed, smarter, cleaner power grid post Hurricane Sandy

Monday night as I was camped out in front of my Twitter feed — safe and dry in San Francisco — friends and family in New York started tweeting about power failures all over lower Manhattan. Their cell phones, running on batteries and tapping into their carrier’s high speed wireless networks — many that are backed up with diesel generators — were still up, even as the power grid went down across many parts of the East Coast.

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