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Tuesday, Jan 22, 2013

Time for Private Purchases of Renewable Power

Five years ago, North Carolina became the first state in the Southeast to set a renewable energy and efficiency standard. The 12.5 percent by 2021 standard is a great goal, and we should keep raising the bar.

Friday, Jan 18, 2013

Commission Should Support Solar-Energy Growth

Arizona has the best solar resource in the country. Outside of California, no other state boasts as much installed solar capacity, and Arizona has added thousands of solar jobs in recent years, making solar energy a true homegrown success story.

Friday, Jan 18, 2013

Colorado's Solar-Power Goal: Grow It Tenfold

Colorado’s solar-power industry is readying a “Million Solar Roofs” campaign to raise the amount of solar power generated in the state to 3,000 megawatts — nearly one-fifth of the state’s electricity use.

Thursday, Jan 17, 2013

Falling Costs Make Sunny Skies for U.S. Solar Industry

As the United States continues a slow climb out of economic difficulty, one industry continues its steady ascent — the solar energy industry. And with more than 224 sunny days last year in San Antonio alone, Texas could play a big role in this ascent now and in the years to come.

Tuesday, Jan 15, 2013

Study: Solar 'Net Metering' To Provide Over $92 Million in Benefits to California Ratepayers

A study released today by the Vote Solar Initiative finds that net-metered rooftop solar will provide more than $92 million in annual benefits to ratepayers of California's three investor-owned utilities.

Tuesday, Jan 15, 2013

Solar Resurgence: Projects built on public land

Solar zones built on public land have the potential to supply carbon-free energy to millions.

Wednesday, Jan 09, 2013

Crowdfunding Rewrites the Rules of Solar Financing

In less than 24 hours this week, crowdfunding site Solar Mosaic raised more than $313,000 for four installations on affordable housing.

Tuesday, Jan 08, 2013

How Social Networks Are Fueling The Solar Boom

Thanks to our seemingly infinite social networks, we are inundated with recommendations influencing our tastes and preferences from food to clothing brands. Social influence stronger in conversations with neighbors and good friends, which is beginning to extend from our desktops to our rooftop energy decisions in a new phenomenon I call “social solar.”

Tuesday, Jan 08, 2013

New Project at CSU Further Boosts School, State Solar Energy Capacity

CSU will boost its solar capacity even more. School officials said they plan to add to the 5,500 kilowatts of solar power being generated on campus.

Monday, Jan 07, 2013

Minnesota's Largest Solar Installation Begins Producing Electricity

A new system built near Slayton, Minn., with more than 7,000 solar panels is part of the boom in solar installations in Minnesota and across the United States.

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