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Thursday, Mar 28, 2013

Americans Want More Emphasis on Solar, Wind, Natural Gas

GallupNo fewer than two in three Americans want the U.S. to put more emphasis on producing domestic energy using solar power (76%), wind (71%), and natural gas (65%). Far fewer want to emphasize the production of oil (46%) and the use of nuclear power (37%). Least favored is coal, with about one in three Americans wanting to prioritize its domestic production.

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Department of Energy Launches New Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative

The U.S. Department of Energy announced the launch of a new initiative today meant to strengthen American clean energy manufacturing and enhance U.S. competitiveness.

Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013

Solar in the Spotlight

Most of the attention may be focused on domestic oil and gas production, but it could be solar power that really helps the United States on its path to energy independence.

Monday, Mar 25, 2013

Ohio lawmakers take up wind, solar energy rule

Battle lines are being drawn over whether Ohio should scrap its renewable energy standard, which requires power companies to generate a portion of their electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind.

Friday, Mar 22, 2013

Apple now powering its cloud with solar panels, fuel cells

Apple’s massive solar panel and fuel cell farm are now live and providing clean power for its huge data center in Maiden, North Carolina. By the end of the year 60 percent of the power for the data center will come from these sources.

Friday, Mar 22, 2013

Solar Will Be Second-Biggest Source of U.S. Power Added in 2013

Solar power will be the second- biggest source of generating capacity added to the U.S. electric grid this year, according to Sharp Corp. (6753)’s Recurrent Energy unit.

Wednesday, Mar 20, 2013

A job-killing 'energy act'

The News & ObserverIf the General Assembly wants to establish itself as the most business unfriendly, anti-jobs and anti-growth legislature in the nation, it will pass the recently filed bill oxymoronically titled the “Affordable and Reliable Energy Act.”

Monday, Mar 18, 2013

U.S. Solar Grew 76% in 2012 Led by Utility-Scale Projects

U.S. solar panel installations grew 76 percent in 2012 to 3.3 gigawatts, representing a tenth of the global market, led by large-scale projects in the desert southwest, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association.

Monday, Mar 18, 2013

Arizona is 2nd nationally in solar panel installation

Solar panel installations in the U.S. grew 76 percent in 2012 as the cost of panels and the surrounding equipment continued to fall, according to an annual report by a solar trade group.

Thursday, Mar 14, 2013

Solar Trade Group Reports Surge in U.S. Installations

Partly driven by an oversupply of cheaper panels from China, the domestic solar market had its best year in 2012, with the growth in installations outpacing that of the global market, according to an annual report to be released Thursday.

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