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Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013

Solar power gains ground in Iowa

Solar power is gaining ground around the world at "record pace," and a growing number of Iowans are also looking to convert their homes and businesses to the alternative energy, according to Bill Haman, industrial program manager for the Iowa Energy Center.

Tuesday, Jul 30, 2013

Gosar defends solar tax incentives

U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar mopped his brow as he strolled past a line of upturned solar cells baking in the afternoon sun. The Republican congressman, a proponent of shrinking government spending, was nonetheless touting the benefits of federal tax incentives for renewable energy.

Monday, Jul 29, 2013

The Sun State

Mass. has surprising potential for solar power, and the state offers plenty of tools to turn rooftops into clean-energy generators

Monday, Jul 29, 2013

Massive Solar Plant A Stepping Stone For Future Projects

The largest solar power plant of its kind is about to turn on in California's Mojave Desert. The will power about 140,000 homes and will be a boon to the state's renewable energy goals, but it was no slam dunk. Now, California is trying to bring conservationists and energy companies together to create a smoother path for future projects.

Monday, Jul 29, 2013

EU, China resolve solar dispute - their biggest trade row by far

China and the European Union defused their biggest trade dispute by far on Saturday with a deal to regulate Chinese solar panel imports and avoid a wider war in goods from wine to steel.

Monday, Jul 29, 2013

Milwaukee Brewing Company uses solar power in brewing process

One brewer at this weekend's 4th annual Brewfest in Milwaukee stands out for its greenness. Jim McCabe uses 28 rooftop solar panels in the brewing process at his Milwaukee Brewing Company. A sign outside his place in the city's Third Ward says "Milwaukee's 1st Solar Brewery."

Friday, Jul 26, 2013

Our opinion: A bright future with solar

When Winstanley Enterprises came to the Brattleboro Selectboard with a proposal to build a two-megawatt solar farm along Interstate 91, just north of the West River, we were excited about the idea of a renewable energy project that could generate enough power to provide electricity to about 400 homes, while also offsetting more than 123 million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 20 years.

Monday, Jul 22, 2013

Rhone Resch: A Necessary Plan for Climate Action

Like thick smog hanging stubbornly overhead, many of the arguments against President Obama's climate change policy are stagnant, potentially dangerous and pose a serious, long-term threat to America's future. The naysayers have called the president's plan everything from "sheer fantasy" to "massive sacrifice," but they are tethered to antiquated, 20th century mindsets.

Monday, Jul 22, 2013

Long Island Wants More Solar

Last Friday, July 12 the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) said it wants more solar—a lot more solar for the small island. The island’s electric utility announced its CLEAN Solar Initiative-II (CSI-11), a program that will provide a feed-in tariff for 100 megawatts of solar projects between 100 kilowatts and 2 megawatts. And that’s just for now. The utility also is planning to issue requests for proposal for another 300 megawatts of renewable energy.

Monday, Jul 22, 2013

Valley View: Solar energy is here to stay; so should state initiative

In the past decade since we first launched our business, our economy has endured unprecedented challenges, and at long last, we seem to be recovering from the greatest recession of our time. If consumer confidence were the greatest indicator of fiscal heath, the general sentiment from our customers would serve as “proof positive” that we are moving forward.

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