Solar Power World
At Solar Power International in Chicago, you may have noticed that the solar industry consists of an amazing array of types and sizes of companies. At Solar Marketing Group, I am lucky to get to work with companies that run the gamut of the solar space and while these companies have their own unique needs, one thread connects us all: We all benefit from growing the amount of solar installed. The industry’s growth comes from a lot of different things, but all of these factors can be spurred or thwarted by political action (or inaction, as the case may be).
Like it or not, officials at all levels of government can seriously affect solar businesses so we must all work together to protect the industry from harmful policies and to advocate for beneficial ones. By building our political power, we can ensure a favorable policy climate which will allow the solar industry to continue its meteoric rise in the U.S. That is why this week we at Solar Marketing Group joined the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA): to support their solar advocacy and grow the industry.