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SEIA Webinar Archive

SEIA Members have access to recordings of all our past webinars covering a variety of topics.

Webinar Archive | Monday, Oct 18, 2021

DEIJ Certification Program: Bronze Level and Beyond

Do you want to support diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) in the solar and storage industry, but don't know where to start? SEIA is releasing a brand-new tool next week for your company to make progress on DEIJ work and showcase your achievements in advancing diversity internally and externally.

Accurate and certain energy assessments are essential to a thriving and sustainable solar industry. There is increasing awareness in the solar industry that energy assessments in recent years have overstated the expected production from solar projects on a preconstruction basis.

Last month, a group of four anonymous companies filed petitions targeting solar imports from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam as part of existing antidumping/countervailing duties (AD/CVD) on products from China. If enacted, the trade measures requested by these unknown petitioners could affect 80% of current U.S. crystalline silicon module imports and the bulk of total U.S. module supply.

Webinar Archive | Thursday, Sep 02, 2021

Section 201 Tariff Update and Questionnaires

The International Trade Commission is seeking responses to a questionnaire that will inform their decision on continuing the Section 201 tariffs on imported solar cells and panels stemming from Suniva’s 2017 petition. This is an extremely important opportunity to provide accurate information to the ITC and ensure that their analysis is reflective of current solar market dynamics.

Webinar Archive | Wednesday, Sep 01, 2021

SolarAPP+ and Installers: How to Help

SolarAPP+ is a collaborative effort from the Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, SEIA, solar installers and local governments to accelerate rooftop solar adoption. This innovative platform makes it easier for Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) to quickly and safely approve standardized rooftop PV projects for installation.

Webinar Archive | Monday, Aug 30, 2021

Promoting Solar Deployment Through Soft Cost Reduction

Local governments have tremendous influence on the pace of solar energy growth in their municipalities, but unnecessary paperwork, red tape, and other burdensome requirements increase installation costs and discourage solar market growth.