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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

This whitepaper, commissioned by Oncor Electric Delivery Company, shows that deploying electricity storage on distribution systems across Texas could provide substantial net benefits to the state.

Rooftop Solar | Regulatory Policy
Report | Friday, Dec 05, 2014

Solar Market Insight Report 2014 Q3

Rooftop Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies | State Solar Policy

The EPA’s Clean Power Plan recognizes and bolsters the current opportunity to reduce carbon emissions by transitioning United States electric grid from a fossil fuel dominant fuel mix to a balanced energy portfolio that includes higher penetration of renewable energy resources. The Clean Power Plan will require affected electric generating units (affected EGUs) within each state to reduce their carbon emissions, thus presenting the opportunity for utilities and states to shift towards sources that generate energy with little or no carbon emissions such as solar energy.

In this report, Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), with support from the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, investigates opportunities to optimize and demonstrate DPV’s value as it is integrated into the grid to utilities, customers, and solar companies alike.

Rooftop Solar | Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies

As distributed generation continues its rapid expansion, these new resources will have an increasingly larger role. This analysis focuses on two prototypical investor-owned utilities, one in the southwest and one in the northeast.

Rooftop Solar | Regulatory Policy
Comments | Friday, Nov 21, 2014

Proposed REIT Regulation Language

SEIA filed regulatory language with the IRS and Treasury to update the definition of real property to include solar energy property.

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