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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

Fact Sheet | Wednesday, Oct 18, 2017


In 1978, Congress passed the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) to encourage fuel diversity via alternative energy sources and to introduce competition into the electric sector. As solar prices have fallen over the last decade, PURPA has become an attractive option for solar developers.

Utility-Scale Solar

Below you will find the final full posthearing brief submitted on behalf of SEIA and SunPower Corporation to the International Trade Commission (ITC) regarding Suniva and SolarWorld's Section 201 trade petition. 

Since two U.S. solar manufacturers filed a petition under Section 201 of the Trade Act that sent shockwaves through the solar industry, a wide variety of organizations have spoken up to voice their opposition to the petition and stand up for the tens of thousands of American jobs that are at risk if excessive trade remedies are put into place.

International Trade
Tuesday, Oct 03, 2017

SEIA Prehearing Remedy Brief

On October 3, 2017, the International Trade Commission held a hearing as part of its process for determining potential remedies in the Section 201 petition filed by Suniva and SolarWorld. 

The data in the spreadsheet below detail solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in Massachusetts, stalled by a failure to extend the state's Net Metering Cap. We organize the data by four separate geographies: county, town, State House district and State Senate district and also provide a full listing of individual projects.

Fact Sheet | Sunday, Oct 01, 2017

Q3 2017 State Policy Update

SEIA works alongside local partners and advocates to protect existing solar markets and open new ones, by creating stable policy frameworks at the legislative and regulatory level. Download the factsheet below to see what SEIA's state affairs team has been doing to advance solar policy in the third quarter of 2017. 

State Solar Policy