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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

Fact Sheet | Wednesday, Oct 16, 2019

Updating Building Codes Cost-Effectively With Solar

What you need to know about solar energy treatment as your jurisdiction updates to newer versions of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)

About Solar Energy | Consumer Protection | Health & Safety | Rooftop Solar | Climate & Equity | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | State Solar Policy
Webinar Archive | Thursday, Oct 03, 2019

#DefendTheITC - How You Can Support SEIA's Efforts, Part Two

Join us for a webinar on SEIA’s #DefendTheITC campaign, where you will hear from our Congressional Affairs and Public Relations teams about how you can support SEIA’s priority federal campaign. During this webinar you will learn about how to coordinate an in-district meeting with your legislator, what messaging will have the greatest impact upon your representative, and more.

Solar Investment Tax Credit | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy
Miscellaneous | Monday, Sep 30, 2019

SEIA Board of Directors Election Notice

Nominations are currently open through October 2nd to serve on SEIA's Board of Directors and represent the general membership. Download the full notice document for information on the process and timeline as well as instructions for submitting a nomination. 

Report | Tuesday, Sep 24, 2019

2019 Solar ITC Impact Analysis

According to Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, an extension of the solar investment tax credit would result in an additional 82 gigawatts (GW) of solar deployment over the next ten years, which would drive $87 billion in economic investment and create 113,000 U.S. solar jobs. 

Finance & Tax | Rooftop Solar | Solar Investment Tax Credit | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Tax Policy | Utility-Scale Solar

This roadmap offers a vision for the radical transformation of the nation’s energy system. It articulates where the solar industry stands today, sets the industry’s goal for the next decade and outlines the steps we must take to get there. The roadmap explains how the solar industry will expand exponentially from comprising 2.4% of the U.S. electricity mix today to 30% of all U.S. electricity generation by 2030.

Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Rooftop Solar | Utility-Scale Solar | Community Solar | Regulatory Policy | State Solar Policy | Tax Policy | Solar Investment Tax Credit | Finance Programs | Finance & Tax | Climate & Equity | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | Environment | Consumer Protection | Health & Safety | Trade, Technology & Manufacturing | International Trade | About Solar Energy | Solar Technologies
Fact Sheet | Tuesday, Sep 17, 2019

Solar & Multiuse Farming

Solar development and agricultural use can exist not only side-by-side, but increasingly are found together.

About Solar Energy | Community Solar | Environment | Regulatory Policy | Climate & Equity | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies | State Solar Policy | Utility-Scale Solar