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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Vote Solar are calling on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to adopt a compensation framework for future residential solar customers that promotes equity and incentivizes sustainable market growth: net billing.

Report | Tuesday, Mar 16, 2021

Solar Market Insight Report 2020 Year in Review

The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market Insight report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry. Learn more about the U.S. Solar Market Insight Report. Released March 16, 2021.

Webinar Archive | Sunday, Mar 14, 2021

The Solar Vision Part 6: Tax Update

In this week’s installment of SEIA’s The Solar Vision: A 100 Day Agenda Webinar Series, our panelists will take an in-depth look at solar and solar + storage tax updates, financing trends, market forecasts, business impacts, and federal policy developments.

There is no single policy that can help the U.S. achieve a clean energy future. As we welcome the incoming Biden administration and 117th Congress, SEIA has outlined a suite of executive and legislative policies that can put America on a path to 100% clean energy.

The federal government, and FERC in particular, has an exciting opportunity in 2021 and beyond to spur innovation and deployment of solar energy technologies that will increase resilience and decrease the costs and emissions of the American energy system.

Regulatory Policy | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies | State Solar Policy | Utility-Scale Solar
Webinar Archive | Monday, Feb 22, 2021

Standard for Utility-Scale Solar, Storage and Wind Plants

This joint webcast for developers and equipment manufacturers of large-scale solar, wind, and energy storage plants will provide an update on the IEEE SA Ballot of the IEEE P2800, Draft Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Associated Transmission and Sub-Transmission Electric Power Systems.