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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

More than 240 solar and storage companies are urging Secretary Gina Raimondo to reject a petition for new anti-circumvention tariffs on solar products as a critical U.S. Department of Commerce deadline approaches.

Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Trade, Technology & Manufacturing | Domestic Manufacturing | International Trade

The Solar Energy Industries Association’s SEIA filed the following responses to the U.S. Department of the Treasury and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's requests for public comments on the clean energy tax provisions of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act.

Federal, State & Regulatory Policy
Webinar Archive | Monday, Oct 31, 2022

DEIJ Webinar Series: Auditing HR Processes

Human Resources departments manage many functions – recruiting and retaining talented employees, establishing development programs, and more! Join us to learn about key functions and opportunities for you to assess and modify your current practices to be in-line with DEIJ best practices. Speakers:

Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022

ICC S76-22 Opposition Letter

More than 300 companies across the country have signed a letter, urging voters in the International Code Council's code development process to reject a proposal that would hamper solar and clean energy deployment without addressing grid resilience, and instead support a balanced approach from SEIA. 

Comments | Thursday, Oct 13, 2022

SEIA Comments on FERC's Interconnection Reform NOPR

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) submitted new comments on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on interconnection reforms that can speed clean energy deployment.

Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Utility-Scale Solar | Community Solar | Regulatory Policy | Managing Growth

With passage of the landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the first significant step toward addressing climate change through federal statute, Congress has taken a major step forward. Through tax policy, Congress locked down long-term incentives for renewable energy projects and storage projects and put new policies in place to encourage U.S.

Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Regulatory Policy | Climate & Equity | Environment | Managing Growth | Land Use & Solar Development