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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

Report | Thursday, Sep 27, 2012

America Votes Solar - National Solar Survey 2012

An In-depth analysis of the 2012 solar survey, including graphs and percentages that pertain to questions asked in the survey.

Download: 3/5/13 Letter from U.S. Treasury to SEIA re: Cuts to 1603 Grants1603 Treasury grant payments will be affected by the federal budget sequestration issued by the Obama Administration on March 1.

Finance & Tax
Miscellaneous | Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012

FAC Follow-Up 9.26.12

Follow-ups from Tuesday's FAC call

Fact Sheet | Monday, Sep 24, 2012

Denver Solar Fact Sheet

The Denver Solar Fact Sheet is a list of current solar power production and usage in the city of Denver and the state of Colorado. This includes solar companies, solar manufacturing facilities, and the amount of solar wattage available for both residential and commercial use. Solar information specific to the city of Denver is located here. This includes current solar news in the city, such as manufacturing, corporate usage and recent legislation. The names of all the solar companies operating in Denver is also listed.

State Solar Policy

H.R. 6213, the No More Solyndras Act, was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in September 2012. If enacted, this bill would sunset DOE’s Loan Guarantee Program {link to} and prevent the issuance of new loan guarantees for renewable energy projects. Despite the headlines, the solar industry is a bright spot in terms of loan guarantees, with eleven utility-scale solar projects currently under construction or operational.

Finance & Tax

In September 2012 SEIA submitted joint comments to the FHFA's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on PACE programs.  Click the pdf to read more.  

Rooftop Solar | Regulatory Policy