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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

In its review of 15 distributed solar PV benefit and cost studies, the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) finds significant variability in estimated distributed PV values, owing to differences in methodology, local context, and input assumptions.  RMI highlights areas in which consensus and standardization could be established to allow for better comparison between studies.

Rooftop Solar
Miscellaneous | Tuesday, Jul 23, 2013

Renewables Letter Logos

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and ranking Republican Orrin Hatch (R-UT) sent a Dear Colleague letter on June 27, 2013 proposing a “blank-slate” approach as the legislative starting point for tax reform. They called on their Senate colleagues to provide input and proposals by July 26th on which tax expenditures should be retained or improved in a reformed tax code. Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) has sponsored a letter in support of retaining long-term tax incentives that will continue to encourage the growth of clean and renewable domestic energy resources.

With widespread U.S. concerns over India’s trade practices and policies, the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) – along with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and nearly 40 other leading American business groups – are urging Vice President Biden to raise these concerns during his visit to India later this month.

International Trade
Letter | Friday, Jul 19, 2013

Tax Reform Letters

The Senate Finance Committee tax reform effort is heating up as the deadline for Senators to submit their letters and comments to the Committee is now a week away.

Letter | Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013

Updated Baucus-Hatch Dear Colleague on Tax Reform

DRAFT  The Honorable Max Baucus                                  The Honorable Orrin HatchChairman                                                                  Ranking RepublicanSenate Committee on Finance                             Senate Committee on Finance