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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

Miscellaneous | Monday, Oct 27, 2014

Solar Industry Assisting in Fight Against Climate Change

From an environmental perspective, few things threaten our nation's future prosperity more than climate change.But there is growing hope. Every 3.2 minutes of every single day, the US solar industry is doing its part to help fight climate change by flipping the switch on another completed solar project. 

Several states are currently addressing the issue of net metering program caps, which limit the total amount of net metered generating capacity that can be installed in a state or utility service territory. This study examines these program caps and forecasts how long NEM would be expected to be available in various states under current policies.

Rooftop Solar | Finance & Tax | Regulatory Policy | State Solar Policy
Photo Gallery | Tuesday, Oct 14, 2014

Solar Means Business Photo Gallery

179 million people in 33 states and Puerto Rico live within 20 miles of at least one of the 1,110 commercial solar installations that were analyzed in the Solar Means Business report. Expore photos of the installations at corporate retail sites, factories and data centers

Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies

Business leaders in America’s brightest, most competitive companies are increasingly choosing to install solar energy systems at their facilities. For the third year in a row, not only are more businesses choosing solar, but those that have used solar in the past are doing so again and again on rooftops across America. Walmart, Kohl’s, Costco, Apple, IKEA and more have all embraced solar energy. Collectively, the companies with the most solar capacity in the U.S. now have 1,110 systems totaling 569 megawatts (MW), generating enough electricity to power more than 115,000 homes.

Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies

A new report provides case studies of businesses saving money by going solar with solar heating and cooling.

Solar Technologies

Utilities have taken on the practice of applying standby and fixed cost charges specific to solar PV for customers choosing to go solar as a means to recover costs resulting from net energy metering (NEM).

Rooftop Solar | Finance & Tax | Regulatory Policy | State Solar Policy