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11.7.12 FAC Election Results Webinar


Dear Federal Affairs Committee,

As a reminder, we have planned a special call for tomorrow, Wednesday, November 7th at 3pm EDT, to review election results and discuss the post-election legislative outlook and activities.

Please dial 888-317-4343 to participate in the conference call.  You will speak to an operator upon joining the conference who will ask for your name and company name.  After speaking to the operator you will be put on hold until the start of the conference.You need to be on the operator's list in order to join the call.  Please contact me to add additional committee level company individuals to the list. At the beginning of the conference, the operator will announce a roll call of all of the conference participants.  This is to ensure that everyone on the call is identified.

In order to join the power point presentation portion of tomorrow's call you will need to log onto our account with Join.Me.  Instructions are below, but I will be on the call early to walk everyone through the process and troubleshoot.

  1. Go to
  2. On the home page, in the “Join Someone’s Meeting” box, type in: seiameeting
  3. Once the next screen loads, it will ask you to enter your name. Type in your full name (e.g. Heather Whitpan), and then click on the “knock to join” button, and wait for me to let you into the meeting.
  4. Once I have accepted your request to join, you will be able to view the powerpoint.

In addition, we welcome you to join a special Members Only webinar on November 8, 2012 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm EST.

SEIA’s Election Results Analysis: How will solar fare in 2013? Join Rhone Resch, President and CEO of SEIA, and Carrie Hitt, SEIA’s Vice President of State Affairs, as they break down federal and state election results and ballot initiatives and discuss how they will impact the solar industry.  Click to register!

Please feel free to contact me in the meantime with any questions.



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