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Initiatives & Advocacy

SEIA is the voice of the solar industry, advocating for the protection and expansion of the U.S. solar market. We represent the entire industry, from small-business owners to large, publicly traded companies. Along with our members and coalitions of allies, we advocate on behalf of solar and a transition to an equitable clean energy economy at the federal, state and local levels.

Latest News

Solar in the News | Wednesday, Jul 11, 2012 Hertz Launches Phase Two Of Solar Energy Program
Press Release | Wednesday, Jul 11, 2012 SEIA Statement on Solar Industry Sustainability Practices
Environment | Health & Safety | International Trade
Press Release | Wednesday, Jul 11, 2012 SEIA and SEMI Formalize Partnership to Grow Solar Industry
International Trade | Solar Technologies
Solar in the News | Wednesday, Jul 11, 2012 Atwater Breaks Ground on Solar Panel Site
Rooftop Solar | Finance & Tax | Regulatory Policy | State Solar Policy
Solar in the News | Monday, Jul 09, 2012 Solar Institute in Lauderdale to Train Jobless Veterans
Solar in the News | Monday, Jul 09, 2012 Solar Power Amping Up In Central Ohio
Solar in the News | Monday, Jul 09, 2012 Wastewater Treatment Plant Relies on Solar Panels
Solar in the News | Monday, Jul 09, 2012 First Solar Bonds Financing $4.6 Billion U.S. Panel Boom
Solar in the News | Monday, Jul 09, 2012 Lt. Gov. Visits Edison Solar Energy Company
Solar in the News | Wednesday, Jul 04, 2012 Solar: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Energy Independence