State Overview


National Solar Capacity Ranking: 14th

Data Current Through: Q4 2024


Colorado State Solar Overview

Colorado, with over 300 sunny days per year, has tremendous solar potential and was one of the first states in the U.S. to have a Renewable Energy Standard. There are multiple solar programs in Colorado for rooftop solar, community solar and utility-scale solar. SEIA is engaged in legislative and regulatory discussions to encourage solar and storage growth and deployment.

SEIA Colorado State Policy Priorities

  • SEIA & COSSA continued to leverage resources to share a lobbyist and regulatory attorney​ to expand solar access and increase solar penetration in Colorado.
  • SEIA has consistently advocated for solar + storage in Colorado, with testimony in the CO RES plan, electric resource plans, stakeholder discussions with Xcel, and additional Commission filings.
  • SEIA, COSSA, and coalition partners passed SB 218 and SB 207 in 2024, modernizing the distribution system to facilitate solar and storage interconnection and increasing inclusive community solar adoption. SEIA is now working to ensure the successful implementation of both bills.

Official SEIA State Affiliate



Data References:

SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables, Solar Market Insight 2024 Year-in-Review

IREC, National Solar Jobs Census

Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Monthly

SEIA, What’s in a Megawatt?

SEIA, National Solar Database

Just The Facts

  • Solar Installed (MW):


  • National Ranking:

    14th (24th in 2024)

  • Enough Solar Installed to Power:

    893,182 homes

  • Percentage of State's Electricity from Solar:


  • Solar Jobs:


  • Solar Companies in State:

    368 (37 Manufacturers, 170 Installers/Developers, 161 Others)

  • Total Solar Investment in State:

    $8.4 billion

  • Prices have fallen:

    42% over the last 10 years

  • Growth Projection and Ranking:

    4,953 MW over the next 5 years (ranks 11th)

  • Number of Installations:


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Colorado State Solar Policy Resources

Colorado law prohibits deceptive trade practices, requires registration for commercial telephone solicitations, and governs home solicitation agreements, including required terms and cooling-off periods.

Colorado Energy Storage Policy and Market Overview

Colorado lawmakers are shaping policies and regulations to support battery storage. State legislation codifying consumer protection, and extensive financial incentives are aiding the deployment of storage across all sectors.

Colorado regulators are taking considerable steps to ensure the safe and efficient deployment of energy storage assets. In 2018, the state established robust consumer protection laws. SB18-009 allows utility customers the right to an expedited interconnection process for residential storage systems. Additional regulation requires electric utilities to file IRPs with evaluations of energy storage. As of July 2023, the state had 237 MW of energy storage.

Copious financial incentives and demonstration efforts have contributed to substantial storage market growth in Colorado. Tax credits, net metering, and utility rebates will accelerate standalone and solar-plus-storage growth. While the recently established Distributed Generation Grant and Apprenticeship program invests in a renewable energy workforce priming Colorado for a robust and well-maintained storage market.


Colorado Energy Storage Policy Resources